A look at my model railways over the years.
Billingborough layout featured in British Railway Modelling July 2013
Billingborough Station building made by Howard Leader featured in Brithsh Railway Modelling June 2013
Billingborough layout visited Stonehave Carehome at Quadring Sept. 2013.
South Lincs Terminal Railroad featured in Jan. 2014 Continental Modeller.

Feature on Tates Railway is due to appear in Oct. 2014 Railway Modeller
Billingborough will be on show at Billingborough Church on 5th and 6th July 2014 during the 'Open Garden Weekend'

Tates will be at EMNGM Portland College, Mansfield 29th June 2014
A great day was had by all at Club Open days at Pinchbeck. Invaluable help from Jess, Will, John and Louis.
Such great enthusiasm from young and old.

Billingborough at Billingborough
5th and 6th July 2014

Market Rasen 2014
Malcome Philips, and I with Mayor of
Market Rasen.
Picture by Market Rasen Mail.
Billingborough at
Peterborough National Festival of Model Railways.
Oct 2014

Tates layout featured in November 2014
Railway Modeller.

A Great team at a great Exhibition
Spalding 2014

Billingborough at St John's Primary School Christmas Fair December 2014

Railway Modeller January 2015.

Fraser Ross ( who has supplied so many photo's and info) and I, at Perth Green, Jarrow. A truly great weeekend 'UP North'
March 2015.

BEST IN SHOW, Cambridge Exhibition 2015
Alex and Ben, great operators !
Will operating Billingborough, Norwich, April 2015

Tates featured in British Railway Modeler June 2015

Ben Moor Foot Peat. Cleethorpes 2015

Railway Modeller Oct 2015
First outing with Will and Tom at Hubberts Bridge

Irish Peat Railway supplying power staion 2016

Best in Show Boston 2016

British Railway Modeller Sep. 2016

Best in Show Stamford 2018

Thomas, a very able and competent operator at Boston 2018
South Lincs Terminal featured in French magazine Dec.2018

January 2019

Heading 5
BRM magazine Oct.2019

Railway Modeller Feb.2022